A woman can seek the help of the police to help her stop her marriage
if she is being forced to marry against her will. However, given the
level of mistrust that prevails in our society vis-à-vis the police,
such an intervention can boomerang on the woman and may lead to more
trouble. In such situations, social pressure applied judiciously might
work better on her parents as opposed to legal interventions.
A young woman being forced to marry against her will by her parents
should first try to identify and approach influential people within her
own community or extended family who have the moral clout to influence
her parent's decision. Alternatively, sympathetic teachers or respected
social workers in the area could also be approached for help. However,
these social interventions are outside the realm of legal rights and in
extreme cases where social pressure does not work, police help may be
Hindu Marriage Law
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Email: hindu.marriage@ozg.co.in